Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tomorrow Is Another Day . . . .

Do you ever tire of clichés?    "Tomorrow is another day," declared Scarlet O'Hara as she put off thinking about her immediate quandary. 

In real life, sometimes that's a fix--but usually only temporary.  In the midst of trials and tribulations, it portends darkly.   In the throes of depression when I was in my thirties, who would have thought that those few words would send me into a panic?  The anticipation of yet another day to feel black despair sent me immediately under the bed covers.  Emerging from those days and determining never to allow myself to suffer like that again, has thankfully returned those words to a benign light.  

The secret is easy to understand but often difficult to carry out.  When depressed, stay in the miserable moment until fear has been faced and understood.  When all is well, then, like the dormouse, it's safe to pop up from the teapot to check out a wider world and soak up the sun.  Of course, if you don't care for the sun, then you're free to bathe, dance and sing in the rain.    Choices abound in a comfortable psyche.